
Registered Testing Pool, Whereabouts, ADAMS


What is a Registered Testing Pool, and what purpose does it serve?

Depending on their sport and performance level, athletes and teams are assigned by MONADA or their International Sports Federation to what is known as the Registered Testing Pool. The main purpose is to help with test planning.

It must be possible for testing to take place at any time and without prior notification. Whereabouts information helps to ensure that athletes can be located at all times, and that testing can be planned efficiently. All testing pool athletes and teams must state their whereabouts on a quarterly basis using the Anti-Doping Administration & Management System (ADAMS). ADAMS is designed to allow anti-doping data to be securely stored and shared among relevant organizations. It promotes efficiency, transparency, and effectiveness in all anti-doping activities.

Whereabouts are recorded and updated by the athletes concerned themselves or, in the case of team sports, by the team administrator on behalf of the entire team.

Quarterly Plans and Short-Term Changes

Whereabouts information must be submitted four times a year, covering the next quarter in full. The following binding deadlines apply:

  • December 15
  • March 15
  • June 15
  • September 15

All short-term changes of plan or additional information must be updated immediately to ensure that the information is always complete and up to date.

Whereabouts requirements for athletes

< align="Justify"p>Athletes in Registered Testing Pool must submit information on the following activities, including the exact addresses, and the times at which they are present:

Home address or temporary accommodation (for every day without exception!)

Athletes record the detailed address and the time from and to when they can be met there. Several residences can be created. For example: Home, boyfriend/girlfriend, accommodation in training camp, overnight stay at competition etc. Only one overnight stay may be displayed per day. For overnight stays in a hotel, the room number must be entered in the field “address supplement / room number” provided for this purpose.

Workplace and Education

Athletes record their employer or place of study including address and working or study hours. Further information can be recorded in the field “Activity details”. For example: Where the workplace is located or in which room the lessons take place.

Training sessions and training camps

Athletes record the exact address of their training location as well as the duration of the training. For athletes who practice outdoor sports, a training address must be entered from where the training session is started. Additional information can be entered in the field “Activity details”. For example: I train in the surroundings of xx or: 1st part of training on 400m track, 2nd part of training in the weight room, basement in yellow building next to the stadium. During the training camp, the overnight address must be recorded as the accommodation in addition to the training sessions.


Athletes record their planned competitions including the address of the venue. For example: address of the stadium, the swimming pool, the school/sport facility where the start/finish area of the competition is located, etc. For overnight stays away from home due to a competition, the corresponding overnight address must be recorded as the accommodation.

Other regular activities and Trips of 2 hours or more

Athletes record their regular activities such as physiotherapy, trips lasting 2 hours or more and all air travel. In the case of air travel, the flight number and the flight schedule must be recorded in the “Activity details” field.

Additionally, for National Registered Testing Pool (NRTP) athletes only: A daily 60-minute time slot between 5.00 am and 11.00 pm, during which athletes must be present at the specified location.

If no information is given for a specific day, MONADA will assume that the athlete is essentially at their primary residence. Brief absences do not have to be entered. These cover daily shopping, for example.

Whereabouts Failures

Imprecise, incomplete, and out-of-date information, as well as a failure to submit it on time, in the case of athletes can be sanctioned. The following cases are distinguished:

  • Filing Failure: Locations are not recorded or updated in due time, or in insufficient detail.
  • Missed Tests: An NRTP athlete could not be located for testing within the defined 60-minute time period at the stated location

Any combination of three missed tests and/or filing failures within a 12-month period are deemed to be a whereabouts failure. Under Article 2.4 of the WADA Code, this constitutes an anti-doping rule violation, and may be punished by a suspension.